Sunday, 16 August 2015

One Year With Home Free!

Happy Anniversary to me! One year ago today my life changed. A Facebook friend of mine posted a video on her time line that showed up on my news feed. At first I ignored it, even though it caught my attention, but the third time it showed up a friend of my Facebook friend had commented on it saying that it looked like one of the guys from Home Free, the guys that had won the Sing Off the year before. To this day I still have no idea why that comment had me look closer at the video, But it did.

And I was hooked. As so many of us have done I spent the next few days and nights, watching everything I could find with this amazing bunch of Guys. I hardly slept, but I still had so much energy. I felt like I had found my one true love, and in a way that was exactly what I had done. I'm sorry, did I say "the next few days and nights"? I meant months. Heck, I'm still doing it; just not every day and night. 

A few days later I joined Patreon to get access to this gem (below), and a few days after that I joined one of the fan groups on Facebook. And I haven't looked back.

So what has this past year brought me, how did finding Home Free change my life? 

First of all; I have made a whole lot of new friends, and even though I still haven't met any of them in real life I know that I will when I get the chance to attend a show, or even just go for a visit anywhere near where any of them are located. I could probably sofa hop around the world staying with other Fries. How cool would that be?! 

Home Free fans are not like any other fan. They are loving and supporting, and they help each other out with whatever needs being helped with. They will give away a ticket to a show, or pick you up at the airport, or even do your grocery shopping if you can't do it yourself and they are in the area. They will send you gifts, and they will pay it forward (or Fry it forward as we like to call it). There are support groups for Fries that struggle with weight or that need emotional support, or prayers, during hard times. And they will support and encourage your creativity. I have seen so many Fries pick up their long lost passions of writing, drawing, singing, you name it! And they are all being cheered on by other Fries! Isn't all this what a friend should be all about?! At least it is to me! This is the feeling that the Guys of Home Free spread around them; the feeling of great friendships!

It also brought back my love for music. Before I would listen to music on occasion, but now not a day goes by when I don't listen to some type of music, and I listen to Home Free every day. I love music that makes me feel love and happiness, music that makes me smile and want to sing and dance. That is one of the reasons I love Home Free. Their music makes me feel all that and more. 

Thirdly it made me start writing again. I am one of those Fries that picked up my passion. Mine wasn't a long lost one, it was still present, but I was in a state of giving it up. And then Home Free came in to my life, and watching them, reading about the hard times and the struggles they went through to get to where they are today, following them, seeing and hearing how they grow and evolve, knowing that they never gave up no matter how tough the times were. THAT keeps me going when I lose my ground. And with all these happy feelings inside from listening to their music inspiration is growing and flowing more and more by the day. The belief in myself is increasing. And I know that everything will be OK. 

Finding Home Free did change my life, I am a happier person today than I was one year ago.

Thank you, Home Free!

If you have watched all these videos right now I bet you have a big goofy smile on your face. If not, go back and watch them again! 



  1. Awesome!!...I also re-found my love of art!...Tim's voice will do that to me :)....Hope Home Free keeps bringing that infectious joy, that inspires us..Keep on writing!..Also hope HF fans will put their Facebook fan vids on You Tube..When they do world tours in the future, the whole world will feel as we do! G'bless!

    1. Thanks! And yes, all the fan vids are brilliant for all of us that are not yet able to get to a show. I'm happy you re-found your love of something you appreciate!

    2. Amazes me that I can watch diff. official & fan vids over & over & enjoy it each time! They're just magic, I guess!...U have a fave?

    3. It's the love they've got for what they do. It's contagious. Not sure about favourites, it keeps changing from day to day, even from moment to moment, I'll listen to a song, or watch a video and think that it's my fave, and then the next one comes on and I'm like "Ooo, THIS is my fave". Hahaha But, if I have to choose one it's going to have to be All About That Bass, I love everything about it!

  2. Wow, you just told my story too! Thanks Carina, you've been one of the best things to happen to me from my Home Free adventure! Big hugs!

    1. Yes, your story is very similar to mine, Michelle! And you are definitely one of my greatest inspirations and best things to happen from this whole experience! I so hope the Guys realize what good they do in the world. Big hugs back!

  3. Thanks Carina for putting into words what we've all been thinking! My addiction continues!!!

    1. You're welcome, Darlyne! Thank you for reading and commenting! And for letting me know what you think!

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