Sunday, 2 August 2015

Catching Up Medley 2

It's been a few weeks since my last post. A lot of things have been going on, both in my life and in the Home Free world. To begin with I was going to put it all into this post, but then I decided to separate the two. So here is what's been going on in my life the last couple of weeks;

I had a week's vacation/holiday/vacaciones/semester the other week because I had visitors here from Sweden. They didn't stay with us, but I wanted to have the chance to hang out with them as well as do my own things around the house. We had a fabulous week filled with field trips, adventure golfing, nice (and sometimes not as nice) food, beach, bathing, sun and lots of laughter. I got to spend 7 days in a row with my little sister and I can't even remember the last time that happened, I think maybe when I was 17 and still lived at home. That was like 10 years ago, or maybe 28. Wow! It was also the first time I spent that many days in a row with any of the other people that came here with her; her husband, their 16-year old son, their best friends and their 16-year old son.

One thing I did around the house was to finish building that table for our roof terrace. I am very happy with the result, but I think I might stain it before the end of the summer. I'd like it a bit darker than it is.

We were nine people seated around it without it feeling tight with space. I am very proud of myself. Next thing I'll build is either a bench to sit on by the table, or a desk for me. One thing is sure, I will build something more.

One of the places we went to is a town called Ronda which is set up in the mountains; it is thousands of years old with a whole lot of history. Ronda is divided by the El Tajo gorge (canyon, ravine) which steeps 100 m from the town. The views are spectacular from up there, and from down the gorge as well, although we didn't go down this time as it was way too hot a day to do that. The walk down is not too bad, but the walk up is a killer even without the heat. I didn't get many pics from Ronda, but I got this one of some of the view;

This is a pic I took a few years ago from halfway down the ravine;

Gorgeous isn't it!

As a writer I find inspiration in the fact that both Ernest Hemingway and Orson Wells spent several of their summers in Ronda's Old Town writing. Maybe I should take my laptop with me and go stay there for a couple of weeks sometime.

My family and friends all left a week and a half ago, I went back to work for two days and last weekend I got the worst stomach flu I've ever had, luckily I didn't vomit but it was still the worst. I am still not completely recovered, it will take a few more days to build up the energy. My boyfriend and son were quite worried about me for a while there, apparently I looked awful. I lost 3 kg (6 lbs) in 3 days, but I'm up most of it again. Hopefully I can keep the last kg off to make it somewhat worth the while. Tomorrow it's back to work, and in a few weeks my eldest nephew are coming for a 10 day stay. I think the plan is to go to Ronda again then, and we will go to Gibraltar and Tarifa, but I will tell you all about it when it happens. Maybe we will go down the gorge if we go to Ronda.

So, how about my writing? Well, I am writing on my book, even if not as much as I would like to. I find it hard with just getting to it, but when I do sit down and write time flies and I love it so much. If you support me on Patreon for as little as 1 dollar per month you can find the first 2 chapters (rough drafts) of my book there. Maybe I will put some more up there. My plan is to have the book ready for release before the end of this year. Your support would surely help inspire me! Thank you!

Also, I am trying to get my fingers out of my butt (i.e. stop procrastinating) and do my next assignment for the writer's course I am doing. It's been almost a year since I did the first assignment and I've been mentally stuck with this second one. If any of my readers out there know of any publications; magazines, e-zines and such; that publishes short stories (I need to be able to find them online, though, and they need to be in English) would you please give me a shout. It is part of this assignment. Thanks!

By the way, there is not many things better than listening to Home Free while traveling on a bus on a road climbing around the mountain, like a snake, with green valleys below you. Soothing and comforting. So, shockingly, here's a Home Free video to get you ready for my next post about what is happening in the world of Home Free. You can expect it within the next couple of days.

I hope you are all well and are enjoying life!



  1. The default place to try for short stories always used to be Reader's Digest magazine. Most UK "women's" magazines such as Best and Bella and Women's Own also take short fiction if it's the right genre.

    1. Thanks Mark! The first problem for me is that I don't know of any magazines from first hand experience, the second problem is that some might be able to get as actual magazines down her, but I'd have to go hunting for them and they would cost a fortune. I need to list a number of magazines and then chose one to analyse and write a targeted short story to submit. I'll look into the one's you mentioned. It helps a lot!
