Sunday, 1 February 2015

Welcome to Carina's Joys of Life!

I have been wanting to create a new blog for a while now. It's been clear in my head what it should be about, and what I should write about and post on this blog, for some time. What has not been clear was the name. Which is quite funny since the whole time I've been thinking about this blog I've been thinking about it as my joys of life. That is what I will be sharing with you here. The Joys in my life. And still, the name didn't come to me. I'm sure I've thought about it, this particular name, and I think someone might even have suggested it to me. But it just didn't speak to me. And then, all of a sudden, there it was. THE NAME. And it feels just right. It's all about the state of mind and timing, I suppose. 

So, finally, here we are. 

I'm sure you are curious about what I will be sharing here. I'm anxious to get started so you ought to be anxious for me to start because it will be fun. 

I will be sharing some of my favourite things in the world. My favourite music, my favourite books, my favourite foods, my favourite moments, my favourite anything. Whatever makes me happy. 

I will write some flash stories for you to read, because I LOVE writing, and flash stories intrigue me. And they're short, very short. 

I will start out by sharing one of my favourite songs, by my all-time favourite band. You will be hearing a lot about them, but I assure you it is worth it. 

If you have not heard them before, let me introduce you to Home Free Vocal Band, also known as simply Home Free. They are a country a cappella group, meaning they don't use any instruments, although it is very hard to believe when you hear them. They do a lot of covers of all sorts of songs, not just country songs, and they put their own twist to them, but they also do original songs. You can tell that they love what they do in everything they do. 

They released a new video, to one of their original songs from their debut album Crazy Life, only a few days ago and it has a message that I love. Watch it, and let me know what you think. 

Until next time, remember to make someone smile everyday! :D 


  1. Du är nu officiellt den enda person som är blogg jag följer !
