Sunday, 11 October 2015

Ups, Downs, Love, Joy, Music = My Life

What's up, y'all?

So, it's been a while since I posted anything that wasn't Home Free related, and today is not the day to do it either. But it's not all about Home Free, and the music isn't Home Free's music. Say what? Yes, I'm featuring another one of my favourite musicians today. But first;

I am so happy to let you all now that I have found a home for my second ticket to Home Free's show at the London A Cappella Festival, you know the front row seat one. None other than my amazing and wonderful baby sister will be joining me in London for 4 whole nights! Yaaay! It is so great that I get to spend my first few days ever in London with her. We live so far apart, she's in Sweden and I'm in Spain, and we don't get to see each other even close to often enough, and I am so happy that I get to treat her to this. She is a Home Free fan, but not a hard core Fry yet, but she will be after the show, of course. I am even more excited about this trip now! I didn't think that was even possible!

I also want to mention that we all need to stop stressing and rushing around and at least once a day we need to stop, take a breath and enjoy all the good things we all have in the lives we live. Because, well, you are alive. That is something worth being grateful for every single day. You are alive right now, that can change very quickly. My son and his colleagues were witnesses to one of their newest colleagues being hit by a car and killed when they were leaving their office on Tuesday evening. The woman that were killed had dreamed her whole life about living in Spain, and she finally moved here at the age of almost 65. She got 5 days in her paradise. My son had his back to it, but was only 20 m (60-65 feet) away when he heard the hit. He had crossed the road in the exact same place only a minute earlier. I am so glad he didn't see the actual hit, and I am so grateful it wasn't him. So many people were affected in a that split second, the woman who lost hers, the driver who hit her, all her family and friends, and those present. Take care of yourselves, your lives and your loved ones. You just don't know. Follow your hearts, follow your dreams. And do it now!

On a happier note; today is my boyfriends birthday. I woke him up with a cup of coffee and a chocolate covered, chocolate filled doughnut, and I cooked him an English breakfast for lunch. We're having pizza and film at home by his choice tonight. Wow, you think, the food of the day is not very healthy, and I say, as long as you enjoy every bite of it and don't eat it every day, it is great for you. Just love what you eat, and what you eat will work in your favour.

Lastly, I am so proud of my son. For a lot of reasons, but here's one:

Red Umbrella Beneath a Waterfall.

That's my music choice of the day, one of my favourite musicians. Check out his other stuff as well, it's pretty cool, and consider supporting him on Patreon.

He is also featured on a new album called Materia; Final Fantasy VII Remixed with his rendition of a track called

Feel The Edge of That Spear

and yeah, I can feel it. The edge of that spear.

The whole album is pretty cool so be sure to check it out.


Sunday, 4 October 2015

Home Free at London A Cappella Festival, baby! I'll be there!

I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post! And I am sorry I lied when I promised I'd post a short story the other week. What can I say other than that I have been completely sucked up by Home Free coming to Europe. It is still very surreal to me and I expect it to continue to be like that for another lifetime. I honestly have a hard time thinking it will ever feel real, not before, not during and not after. It feels like, and will keep feeling like, it's a dream. But that won't stop me from enjoying the ride. Dreams are the fruits of life. Dreams coming true are the juice from the fruits of life. At least if you like juice. If not you have to come up with something that fits you.

So, I have to tell you about the day the tickets for Home Free's show at the London A Cappella Festival were released.

The background story is that the previous week, when they announced the show and release date for tickets, I knew I wouldn't have any money to get a ticket (I had spent it all on my awesome vacation when my nephew was here). I was still extremely happy because somehow I knew I wouldn't miss out. Only minutes after I mentioned it in one of the Fan groups another Fry offered to get a ticket for me. I was ecstatic! Wow! That is truly amazing, and I was so filled with gratitude and love for this person, and I accepted the offer.

So the day for ticket release arrives, they were due to go live sometime mid-day. Just before going to work in the morning I checked my Patreon page and found out that they had VIP tickets on sale. Of course, I still didn't have any money, but I was so happy for those that could get a VIP ticket, and there was always the hope there would be tickets left when I got paid. If not, the most important thing was that I would have a ticket thanks to my fellow Fry friend.

I was in a really good mood on my way to work, listening to Home Free and dancing on the streets and while waiting for the lift (elevator) at work our security guard caught me and applauded. (I think I made his day haha). I immediately logged into Facebook when I got to work, to check all the comments and be part of the excitement. I had PM's from 3 different Fries about checking Patreon for VIP tickets. I was so excited for them all for getting one, and I was stunned and moved to the core of my soul when one of them offered to get one for me, to pay back on pay day. Without thinking for even a second I accepted her offer and a couple of minutes later she told me I had a VIP ticket.

I can't even begin to describe my gratitude and love for these two people. These are people I have not met in real life yet. And they were there for me. The person getting me the VIP ticket said that she wasn't about to let someone that loves Home Free even more than she does miss out when she had the money to help. I was amazed and I was in disbelief, I still am, and as all this went down I was crying and laughing all at once in the office. My colleagues got worried until they realized it was tears of joy and love. I feel humbled by how much these people care.

The whole day I was crying on and off, and as I'm writing this I am crying too. My heart is pouring over and I feel like the luckiest person in the whole world.

So, what happened to the other ticket? Well, the fantastic Fry was gracious enough to still get it for me. That ticket I am giving away to someone. At this time I'm not sure who'll get it. I have asked someone,, if she can't make it I have someone else in mind. If she doesn't want it I have another idea, but I will keep you posted on what will happen to it.

And I am so happy because C, one of my best friends here in Spain, got a VIP ticket too! Yes!

Oh, and the VIP tickets were sold out even before the regular tickets went on sale! Way to make the Guys feel welcome to Europe, Fries!!

So what are my plans? Well, I already got my vacation days approved so I'll be going to London on the 27th or the 28th to do some touristing (it should be a real word) and meet up with some fellow Fries. They are coming from all over Europe. There will be Fries flying in from Estonia, the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany as far as I know. At least some of us will be doing some sight seeing together the day before the show. This is just as exciting as seeing Home Free, sorry, MEETING Home Free!

I have hotel rooms booked close to the venue for the night of the show for four people; myself, C, the Fry that got me my VIP and the person that will get my second ticket. I'm Frying It Forward, spreading the love like rings on the water. The person that got me the front row ticket, cause yeah it's front row, will get something else.

I'm also hoping to be able to squeeze in a couple of more Home Free shows while there, we're still waiting for dates and places for additional shows, though. And maybe I'll catch more of the shows at the London A Cappella Festival; Naturally 7 is tempting, but time will tell.

There are so many things I want to do in London, and I am so excited I can barely keep myself together at times, but that will make a great post sometime in the future.

Today's video is, of course, Home Free's and FifGen's latest awesomeness;  the video for Alabama Sampler! Enjoy!

What do like doing in London, or what do you dream about doing in London?

Oh, and there are still a few tickets left so head on over to the London A Cappella Festival page and pick one or two up! You will not regret it!

118 days to go!
